Sunday, January 29, 2012

The stages one has to go through to cure himself of samsara

What is samsara?Where is it prevalent?
I would say,everywhere.You and I experience samsara from time to time,in various degrees of intensity and frequency.
Samsara consists of 3 components-'Raga','Shoka',and 'Moha'.

'Raga' is the problem of attachment or bondage to external objects.By external,I mean anything that is outside our real self,the atma.Be it attachement to money,women,fame,fortune,or even your life,it is called 'raga'.

'Shoka' is the result of losing something that you have attached yourself to.When such a dear possession is lost,it leads to intense grief and a sense on lonliness.It could also manifest as anger against the cause of the loss.

'Moha' refers to a state of foolishness or delusion when one is unenlightened,where one perceives the false to be true.It is the most common characteristic of all humanity.We tend to believe that we are this body.Gita teaches us otherwise.

Hence,'samsara roga' ,or samsara as a disease refers to being emotionally attached to material things we perceive to be real,but in fact are not & the consequences of such attachment on our body and mind.

Samsara,is prevalent everywhere.But not everyone is able to find a solution to it.Depression can be put away temporarily by futile human efforts , but only self realization gives complete solution to samsara.And for that to happen,one has to go through the folowing 4 stages-

1.One should first realize that he has samsara roga.This is very difficult as we never never accept our mistakes.It is always someone else who caused our problems.'I AM THE PROBLEM.HENCE,I AM THE SOLUTION'.Once we realize that we are a victim of samsara,we begin our journey towards its cure.

2.But then,we try to cure it by ourselves.We deploy various techniques to rid ourselves of our depression,be it watching a movie,having a ball at the beach,or even having sex.But then,these are only temporary solutions.We need to realize that we are helpless & cannot cure our problem of samsara ourselves.We need some external help.

3.The decision to seek the help of someone else is very vital & forms the third stage of ridding ourselves from samsara.Only one who is free from samsara himself,can help me cure my samsara.I need to pray to God that I am helpless & therefore need the help of someone else and also that I do not know whom to seek help from.
When the realization and prayer are sincere,the universal law is that Bhagavan will send me a guide,to help me,to teach me & red me of my troubles.
However,if there is no attempt to seek help,even if God has sent me a guide,I shall not be able to use his help.A classic example of this is Arjuna.Lord Krishna had been known to him practically all his life,and yet was able to help him only at the battlefield,when he realized that he was helpless.Till then,he had never sought help for his problems.

4.Once the guide appears before me,I must consider him my Guru,and surrender to him without any reservations.This is called 'Guru Saranagathi'.Then on,it is only a question of time.It will be a long drawn process,but the result is definite.

In the entire 1st chapter of the Gita,Arjuna had only discovered samsara.He wanted to solve the problem himself & was not ready to receive help.He thought that,by dropping his bow & eunning away,he could find relief from his samsara.This clearly showed his imbalance of mind.When he was in exile for 14 years,all he wanted to do was destroy the Kauravas,and that having the Kingdom was the solution,but on seeing them in the battlefield,he felt that the forest was better off.He was clearly flummoxed & needed external help.Only when he wept & pleaded for a solution,was Lord Krishna able to give him the knowledge of the Gita.

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