Sunday, May 27, 2012

Chapter 2,Verse 42

Yaam imam pushpitam vaacham pravadanti avipashchitaha veda-vada-ratah parthah nanyad astithi vadinaha Veda purva deals with a variety of religious practices(yagnas or pujas),which can be classified into 2-skama puja(focused towards worldly benefits) and niskhama puja(focussed towards spiritual wisdom).The former is filled with ahankara & mamakara(an ego of 'I' and 'Me') whreas the latter is devoid of both. People who cannot discriminate between material & spiritual success(avipashchitaha),who are drawn to special religious practices for special purposes(sakama karmani) which have flowery words(pushpitam vacham),have no knowledge of nishkama bakthi,atma jnana or moksha(nanyad astithi vadinaha).Vedas offer us this,to draw the attention of the materialistic human brain,but on geting to know them better,reveal their true purpose of spiritual enlightenment.Just like how prasadam is offerd at the end of a bhajan,an act which might draw a crowd,but is not the purpose of the bhajan,vedas do this to ensure that we take to them. Please understand this.

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